Privacy Policy

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365Talents is a simplified joint-stock company with a share capital of 12,355 euros, registered in the company register for Lyon under business identification (SIRET) number: 81221580400012, and with its registered office at 65 Cours de la Liberté, 69003, Lyon.


The company 365Talents takes particular care in guaranteeing that the rights and freedoms of any person visiting the site or, as well as any of the other websites pertaining to 365Talents are respected.

(For the data treatment of our platform or apps for our customers, please refer, at all times, to the 365Talents Terms and Conditions.)

365Talents commits to ensuring the observance of all legal and regulatory provisions governing the protection of personal data, and declares that it carries out personal data processing in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons (hereafter “you” or “your”) with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereafter “GDPR”), as well as Law No.78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended, on information technology, files and liberties (hereafter the “Law”).

The Privacy Policy describes the data categories that 365Talents collects from you, the reasons for this collection, the way in which 365Talents uses this data, as well as your rights in this respect.


1. Definitions

Cookies: Files that are stored and used to record personal and non-personal data relating to your browsing on digital platforms.

Personal Data: Any information directly or indirectly enabling the identification of a natural person. A person is “identifiable” if they can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by a reference to an identification number or to one or several elements relating to them.

Hosting company: A service provider who stores web content.

Digital Platforms: These include all websites provided by the company 365Talents.

Data Transmission: the Controller does not intend to transmit personal data to third parties or to an international organisation.

Privacyby  Policy: This document provides you with details of the digital platform policy with regards to processing, transmission and disclosure of personal data.

Controller: 365Talents whose registered office is located at 65 Cours de la Liberté, 69003.


2. Scope of application

The provisions of this policy relate to the data processing carried out by the Controller and applies regardless of your hardware type and the digital platform with which you access the services provided by 365Talents (sites or applications) at any time.

This policy outlines the principles and guidelines for protecting your personal data, which includes personal data collected on or via digital platforms belonging to 365Talents. 365Talents collects personal data online (including by email) or offline; this policy applies regardless of the collection or processing method.

Digital platforms may feature links to third-party websites, which are likely to interest you. 365Talents has no control over the content of third-party sites or the practices of these third parties in terms of protecting the personal data they may collect. Consequently, 365Talents declines any liability over the processing of your personal data by these third parties. It is your responsibility to find out about these third parties’ policies for protecting personal data.


3. Personal data collection

3.1 Data that you disclose to 365Talents

Generally, you can access digital platforms without providing any personal data. 365Talents does not carry out any data processing enabling you to be identified by name, directly or indirectly, unless you voluntarily provide these data to us by responding to forms that would be made available or accessible to you via our digital platforms.

On these platforms, any personal data that may be requested by 365Talents include, but are not limited to, your surname(s), forename(s), telephone numbers, email addresses, company (or companies) to which you belong, the size of your company and country (hereafter the “data”).

This processing is necessary for complying with legal obligations to which the Controller is subject. The data whose disclosure is required to access the service are marked with an asterisk. Disclosure of your data is voluntary, but if you choose not to disclose the information marked with a asterisk, you will not be able to benefit from corresponding services, such as information, communication or demo requests.

3.2 Processing personal data

By disclosing your data, your authorise 365Talents to process these data for the purposes and durations described in this document.

You have the right:

  • To request access to your personal data from the Controller, to rectify or erase these data or to restrict processing relating to the affected person;
  • To object to processing;
  • To the portability of these data;
  • To withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing carried out with consent before this was withdrawn. This right exists exclusively if the processing is based on Article 6(1)(a) or on Article 9(2)(a) of the GDPR, i.e. on the consent given by the affected person to processing of their personal data for one or several specific purposes.

When you disclose your data, you are confirming that you have received the required authorisations and consents from the people affected by these data if they relate to people other than you and, if applicable, for the purposes described in this document.

These data shall be processed using information technology and shall be hosted in data centres located within the European Union throughout the duration of processing.

3.3 Controller

365Talents is the controller for your personal data. To exercise your rights or to submit any other requests relating to the processing of your data, you can contact 365Talents by email on email(at)

3.4 Processors within the meaning of the GDPR

In order to process and store your data, 365Talents relies on the following processors: HubSpot, Google, LinkedIn, Slack and Snitcher.

3.5 Data collected by 365Talents

During your visit to our digital platforms, 365Talents uses cookies to find out your IP address and your browser in order to carry out statistical reporting, particularly on the traffic to digital platforms and on the page(s) viewed.


4. Duration of processing and retention of your data

Data are only processed and stored by 365Talents for the duration that is strictly necessary for enabling you to access and use the digital platforms within the limits laid down by the Law and the GDPR.

At the end of this duration, your data are erased. Your data shall also be erased in the following cases:

  • If you withdraw your consent to the processing of your data; in this case, processing shall be stopped and the data in question shall be erased as quickly as possible. You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your data at any time. Withdrawing your consent does not affect the legality of the processing based on consent and carried out before this was withdrawn.
  • If you exercise your right to object to the processing of your data, we will erase the data relating to you, which we have processed and which is associated with the purpose of processing to which you have objected, as quickly as possible, unless another legal basis exists for processing and storing these data, or we are required by law to store them, in which case you will be informed of this immediately.

5. Purpose of processing your data

Generally, your data are processed by 365Talents in order to facilitate the use of the digital platforms, or even in order to enable you to receive information from 365Talents.

When you disclose your data to us, 365Talents will carry out one or several of the following types of processing:

  • Communication: we will respond to your comments and other requests you submit to us, such as your online questions. When you send us a form and consent to receiving communications, 365Talents may contact you by telephone and/or email.
  • Information: according to what is specified in the forms you submit, we may send you information and specific content regarding the services provided by 365Talents, as well as regarding different events that we are organising.
  • Recruitment: if you send us your Curriculum Vitae online or any type of application, we will use your data for recruitment purposes. We may then contact you by email or telephone. Additional information on the way in which your data are used by 365Talents throughout the recruitment process will be provided to you progressively during this process. Unless you request otherwise, 365Talents shall be able to retain your data for a specific period of time in order to potentially contact you regarding new employment opportunities at 365Talents.

6. Data security

 Individual-related and non individual-related data collected via our digital platforms are not subject to any disclosure or sale to third parties other than the technical providers in charge of managing them and our partners, who are obliged to preserve the confidentiality of information, to only use it for a very specific process and under the direct control of the company 365Talents.

However, it is possible that 365Talents may be obliged, pursuant to the Law and/or the GDPR, or by application of any other applicable legal provisions, to disclose your data following a court ruling, order, decree or any other applicable legal and/or regulatory provisions.

365Talents takes all appropriate technical, organisational and security measures to protect against all unauthorised access, modification, disclosure, destruction or loss of your data, which are hosted in the data centres located at the registered office of the company OVH, situated at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100, Roubaix, throughout the duration of processing. Nevertheless, it is important that you are aware that, given the potential loss of security of the Internet network, 365Talents cannot be held responsible for the security of the transmissions of your data via the Internet.

It is possible that our digital platforms will provide links to external websites. 365Talents does not provide any guarantee or declaration relating to these external websites, even if these carry out collection or transmission or require use of your personal data under the different terms and conditions for those set out herein.


7. Cookies

Digital platforms pertaining to 365Talents, including this site, use cookies. Details of cookies and similar technologies that may be used are included in our Cookies popup.


8. Your rights

You are reminded that, as part of the processing of your data, and in accordance with the provisions of the Law and the GDPR, you have the right to know whether we hold any of your personal data and, if so, you have the following rights:

  •    Right of access (Article 15 of the GDPR);
  •    Right to rectification (Article 16 of the GDPR);
  •    Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”) (Article 17 of the GDPR);
  •    Right to restrict processing (Article 18 of the GDPR);
  •    Right to data portability (Article 20 of the GDPR);
  •    Right to object (Article 21 of the GDPR).

All the rights listed above are personal and can only be exercised by persons who have disclosed their data to 365Talents. To exercise your rights or to submit any other requests relating to the processing of your data, you can contact 365Talents by email on email(at)


9. Supervisory authority

For more information regarding personal data and its control, we invite you to contact the supervisory authority of the country from which the digital platforms you are accessing originate, and which is responsible for protecting personal data.

You can also submit a grievance to this supervisory authority if you have requests or complaints relating to the processing of your data.

In France, the competent supervisory authority is the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés, CNIL).


10. Miscellaneous

365Talents reserves the right to amend or update its Confidentiality Policy at any time. As a result, you are invited to regularly check this page, as any browsing on our digital platforms implies your acceptance of the most recent version of the Confidentiality Policy.

This Privacy Policy has been translated into English from the French original. In the event of differences or contradictions with a different language version, only the French version shall prevail and shall be applied.

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