How 365Talents GenAI helps Skills-Based Organizations to thrive

generative ai for hr
Reading time: 11 min.
Written by Camille Antunes
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Why empower SBOs with GenAI 

Generative AI holds immense potential to transform skills-based organizations and HR strategies by leveraging its capabilities to generate tailored solutions. 

As SBOs focus on their workforce’s skills and potential rather than their jobs, GenAI can empower and revolutionize them with: 

  • Personalized Skill Development: Generative AI can analyze data to identify individual skills gaps and strengths. By understanding each employee's unique skill profile and aspirations, it can generate personalized training and development programs. This tailored approach ensures that employees receive training that directly aligns with their needs, enhancing their skills and boosting overall organizational performance.
  • Predictive Analytics: Generative AI can predict future skill requirements based on current trends and market demands. By analyzing data from various sources such as job postings, industry reports, and internal performance metrics, it can forecast which skills will be most valuable in the future. This foresight enables HR professionals to proactively address skill gaps and ensure that the workforce remains competitive and enhance their employability.
  • Skill Matching and Talent Acquisition: It can boost the recruitment process by accurately matching candidates' skills with job requirements. By analyzing resumes, job descriptions, and skill databases, AI identifies candidates who possess the precise skills needed for a particular role, regardless of their job titles or backgrounds.  Generative AI can generate an analysis to show who matched the best and helps HR in the selection process, ensuring that organizations hire the best-suited talent, leading to improved performance.
  • Continuous Learning and Upskilling: Generative AI can facilitate continuous learning and upskilling initiatives within organizations by analyzing employee performance data and learning preferences, and recommending relevant training modules and resources in real time. Additionally, it can generate interactive learning experiences, such as simulations and virtual reality scenarios to enhance engagement and retention.
  • Efficient Workflow Automation: GenAI can streamline administrative tasks related to skills management and HR processes. By automating routine tasks such as scheduling training sessions, tracking skill progression, and generating job descriptions or performance reports, it frees up HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives and employee development.

Why 365Talents GenAI is the right choice for SBOs

The integration of generative AI innovates talent management by seamlessly aligning each individual's career narrative with the overarching story of their company's values, challenges, and objectives. This integration adds significant additional value for our clients, allowing them to customize it according to their specific needs, cultures, and policies, ensuring a tailored and enhanced user experience.

Since its inception, 365Talents has focused on developing a powerful AI system adapted specifically for HR professionals. Our AI capabilities encompass intelligent suggestions for skills development, internal mobility, career development, and workforce analysis. 

365Talents is the first in the industry to combine the power of talent experience AI capabilities and cutting-edge generative AI, enabling us to boost 365Talent’s AI capacities to better assist and simplify user’s daily work.

What sets 365Talents apart in this integration is its unique philosophy of decentralizing knowledge and empowering employees to participate actively in the skills and talent management process. 

Unlike other solutions, 365Talents allows each employee to self-declare their skills in their own words and perform self-assessments. This approach enables the creation of an open skills framework that is personalized and relevant for each customer based on their specific industry, needs, and requirements.

With the integration of generative AI, 365Talents’ AI capabilities are enhanced. This lets us generate more accurate and comprehensive job descriptions to increase efficiency and productivity, provide smart insights on market trends for each job, and improve decision-making. By leveraging the power of generative AI, our platform goes beyond a simple integration. We utilize the most up-to-date data available on the internet, scanning articles and sources to ensure that job and skills descriptions are always current and aligned with the latest industry shifts.

How do 365Talents GenAI capacities work?

365Talents launched its new generative AI capabilities in partnership with Microsoft a few months ago. This breakthrough collaboration results from 365Talents' seven years of expertise and investment in AI research and development, resulting in a truly innovative solution for Skills and Talent Management.

Due to our expertise, our AI tools are able to build personalized skills frameworks relative to your company's unique needs, boost your HR team efficiency, and help your organization stay competitive and accurate with skills trends insights.

career evolution

How 365Talents boosts efficiency with content generation

We understand that a relevant job description is vital in finding the right candidate. As technology rapidly advances and skill sets evolve, job descriptions require updating. 365Talents GenAI technology helps craft or update job requirements in accordance with these changes, resulting in highly accurate job descriptions saving recruiters and hiring managers time and money, while attracting the right candidates for each role.

Recently introduced, the Job Description Generator from 365Talents has discreetly revolutionized our customers' task management approach. Through seamless integration with GenAI technology, this groundbreaking tool has streamlined and expedited the customization of job descriptions, projects, and vacancies. This empowerment allows HR professionals to allocate their time effectively, engaging in substantial discussions with hiring managers to delineate candidate profiles that resonate with business objectives

Main benefits of this feature:

  • Avoid the difficulty of drafting an accurate job description due to unfamiliarity with the specific field as an HR manager, this is a common challenge.
  • Quickly and effortlessly craft job descriptions that include relevant and trending skills, serving as a basis for the initial interview with the hiring manager to refine it.
  • Easily identify the right candidate for the position.
  • Update skills ontologies with relevant and trending skills that your business requires.

With the 365Talents Job Description Generator, HR professionals can now create tailored job descriptions quickly and effortlessly, freeing up time to focus on other strategic initiatives. It reinforces our commitment to providing best-in-class solutions that support organizations in their skills-based organization transformation journey.

Segula Technologies' Success Story

With this tool in hand, Segula swiftly crafted new job descriptions that fit each profession’s mold. Simultaneously, 365Talents’ Job Description Generator acted as a skilled benchmarking wizard, aligning descriptions with industry standards and offering strategic enhancement suggestions. 

But it doesn't stop there, as Segula Technologies has also utilized the new feature to create job descriptions tailored specifically for workers in the aerospace industry. This sector has faced several challenges in finalizing its skills library due to the highly technical nature of their jobs and the complexity of identifying relevant skills. 365Talents’ Job Description Generator implementation facilitated the identification of skills associated with these roles and enabled their integration into the company’s skills ontology, making it more accessible and comprehensible.
The results of this innovative approach have been more than impressive. First, the task of creating and updating job descriptions in both French and English was considerably simplified, granting the HR team precious time savings. Moreover, the adoption of the new feature ensures a harmonized library of job descriptions company-wide, thus solidifying their relevance.
Read the full customer story here.

How 365Talents aligns job descriptions with your employees’ expertise and market trends

As an HR manager, aligning job descriptions with both actual expertise and market trends posed challenges, impacting talent management, recruitment, and overall workforce optimization. With rapid changes in technology and industry practices, it's increasingly difficult for HR managers to keep pace and ensure job descriptions remain relevant and attractive to potential candidates while maintaining the company’s competitiveness.
You may want to try to do it manually, but it is very difficult to handle when you have thousands of employees.

We'd like to introduce Job Benchmark, a new feature that addresses these pain points.  Empowered by AI and combined with GenAI, it analyzes and reveals unexpected skills not currently listed in your job descriptions. By studying the most declared skills within your organization and the broader job market, you can enrich your job descriptions and better understand the evolving expectations and trends in your industry.

By merging 365Talents' AI and GenAI, our solution enables your organization and HR team to:

  • Gain unprecedented insights of your workforce: Examine specific employee scopes linked to job descriptions. 
  • Reach internal skills alignment: Identify the most declared skills by employees that aren't currently included in the job description to align job requirements with actual team expertise.
  • Create an external benchmark powered by GenAI: Discover the most requested skills in the market and understand market trends so that your team anticipates skill demands.

This not only enhances strategic planning and execution of recruitment strategies but also helps HR managers future-proof their organizations by preparing for unexpected industry changes.

Our advanced AI system surpasses traditional skill identification by efficiently identifying the most relevant skills in the market and recognizing trending jobs, empowering HR professionals with up-to-date knowledge about the key skills and job roles that are in high demand. Additionally, 365Talents’ AI takes into account the specific challenges faced by the organization, whether related to climate change, gender equality, new markets, or strategic shifts. By aligning jobs and skills to address these challenges, HR professionals can proactively adapt their workforce and ensure their organization's success in a rapidly changing landscape.

With that as the base, companies can recruit skilled candidates or offer development opportunities to their actual employees while helping enrich their skills frameworks, as new skills will be developed or hired.

How 365Talents provides descriptive analytics to understand your workforce

Human Resources are constantly multitasking, trying to manage and develop their company's talent pool while keeping up with the lightning-fast pace of technological advancements. With the world becoming more interconnected by the day, they're navigating through a maze of complexities, trying to stay ahead of the curve. 

In this context, the need for innovative solutions like Skills Vision becomes increasingly apparent, which provides HR managers with a comprehensive toolkit to analyze and leverage their employee's skills in alignment with organizational goals.

Let’s take a real life case: In the banking industry, sustainability has emerged as a critical focus area for leaders looking to navigate environmental, social, and governance (ESG) challenges while driving long-term value creation. As banking leaders strive to integrate sustainability principles into their business strategies, they face a myriad of complexities, ranging from regulatory compliance to stakeholder expectations and evolving market dynamics. In this context, Skills Vision offers a powerful solution for banking leaders seeking to embed sustainability practices throughout their organizations. 

For example, amidst increasing pressure to align with global sustainability goals and address climate-related risks, banking leaders must identify and develop the necessary skills within their workforce to drive sustainable finance initiatives effectively.

Skills Vision's analytic capabilities enable HR managers at banks to input sustainability challenges, such as meeting ESG reporting requirements or implementing green finance initiatives, and receive tailored action plans informed by relevant articles and industry insights. Skills Vision provides suggestions for how individuals in specific job roles, like risk managers or investment advisors, can contribute to the company's sustainability objectives. Additionally, it identifies the new skills needed in this context, empowering banking leaders to ensure their workforce is equipped with the necessary skills to drive sustainable growth. 

Moreover, by recommending training opportunities that align with sustainability goals, Skills Vision enables HR managers to upskill employees and foster a sustainable culture within the organization. 

Ultimately, in a banking landscape increasingly shaped by sustainability imperatives, Skills Vision emerges as a strategic tool for leaders to navigate the complexities of ESG integration, drive innovation, and achieve long-term success.

How industry leaders can use it

A leader in Energy and Utilities uses Skills Vision™ and now:

  • Knows all the skills of its market and evaluates developments in its professions thanks to “insights” on the key skills to be mastered, environmental literacy for example, in order to face the changes of its industry like the sustainability challenge.
  • Has automatically generated job descriptions/projects and missions etc, based on the specificities of the energy and gas sector.
  • Builds reports and strategic analyzis on skills trends, and measures the gaps between its existing strengths and the challenges of its industry.

365Talents GenAI in a few words…

Supporting organizations in their strategic organizational transformation journey requires both productivity and adaptability to market changes for success.

With this objective in mind, 365Talents has developed innovative tools to assist HR professionals in navigating these challenges effectively.

One of them is GenAI, meticulously crafted by 365Talents to elevate HR productivity and analysis. GenAI encompasses a suite of features including a job description generator, job benchmarking, and skills vision. These functionalities collectively facilitate the creation of precise job descriptions, the discovery of emerging skills and the alignment of employee competencies with company objectives, thereby enabling strategic HR planning.

Our Job Description Generator empowers HR managers to swiftly craft tailored job descriptions that resonate with current market demands, saving valuable time and resources. GenAI alleviates the burden of crafting job descriptions for unfamiliar domains while ensuring that the skills ontology remains up-to-date.

Recognizing the paramount importance of accurate job descriptions in attracting suitable candidates, 365Talent’s Job Benchmark dynamically adjusts job requirements in response to technological advancements and evolving skill sets, ensuring that job descriptions remain relevant and competitive. This innovative feature also unveils latent skills within job descriptions and offers insights into prevailing industry trends, empowering HR managers to maintain a competitive edge in talent acquisition.

In response to specific organizational challenges, 365Talents' Skills Vision offers tailored action plans informed by pertinent articles and industry insights. By providing guidance on how individuals in various job roles can contribute to these action plans, Skills Vision equips organizations with the requisite skills to drive strategic projects. Furthermore, by identifying emerging skills essential for success in the given context, organizations are empowered to proactively address skill gaps and nurture a workforce that is well-equipped to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape.

Start your skills journey with us now and book a demo with one of our experts.

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