Defining a more meaningful mobility for a new world of work

Reading time: 8 min.
Written by Camille Antunes
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Just as water and sunshine grow sunflowers, internal mobility allows your employees to "grow" their employability and skills. 

For HR departments, the main challenge is to meet the needs of both the company and its employees. Indeed, some jobs will have to evolve or disappear. But it is also necessary to work on the satisfaction of employees in their professional development, whether it is current or future. 

And mobility is the key to helping you do just that and it offers different ways to achieve this goal. But what does mobility mean in the modern, people-centered world of work? How can you ensure that your internal mobility path is agile and impactful? 

Discover a new approach to mobility to meet the challenges of today's world of work.

Make mobility a pillar of your company

Internal mobility is the opportunity for an employee to change position or evolve within their company. It has advantages for the whole company: The employees, the HR department, the managers.

  • For the employees, it is necessary because it gives a holistic perspective on their evolution, a better quality of life at work and professional fulfillment, as well as fosters real progression at work.
  • For the HR department, it saves a considerable amount of time in hiring, onboarding and staffing. It also promotes agility in recruiting and retaining your best talent. In addition, trust and cultural fit are already affirmed and in place for existing employees.
  • For management, it saves significant recruitment costs — internal mobility costs 50% less than traditional external recruitment — and reduces the turnover rate.

In short, internal mobility can and should be a strategic pillar of your organization. But internal mobility can only be leveraged to its full extent if it comes both from the top and if it is part of the company's culture. This is why your mobility policy must be prepared in advance, and you must inform and enlist your employees.

Remember, mobility is not a subject to be discussed once every three years: it is an ongoing process to be reassessed regularly.  

Embrace a new, fluid approach to mobility

Today, HR is facing many changes — quiet quitting is just one example. Employees have new needs, new expectations and changing behavior. 

This is why HR must listen to their people more than ever. For many, having the opportunity to evolve is a key factor. Career development opportunities is the number one reason people gave for wanting to leave their jobs in 2021, according to Work Institute’s 2022 Retention Report. But how do you know how they want to evolve if you don't ask them?

It is difficult, then, to manage everyone's careers without having a deep understanding of their skills, their desires and their development needs. And that's where mobility comes in: proposing mobility that is appropriate to the professional projects they have in mind allows you to offer them a personalized career path that will foster their development.

It's more than just mobility, it's truly a part of career management.

Old career development models no longer meet new expectations

Having a rigid internal mobility structure no longer meets the evolving needs of employees. A vertical career path can certainly structure the company, but its success is mainly based on a vertical vision of the evolution of skills

It is also by developing other “horizontal” skills (with other departments, assignments and training) that your employees become better at their jobs. They can then pursue a lateral path to strengthen their skills and develop new ones. That's why it's important to offer them a development path that includes movement in both directions. 

Mobility and career management

For many, mobility is only discussed during the annual performance review with their manager or HR. Employees therefore have very little time to think about their professional future or consider it in the context of their day-to-day professional lives. With an internal mobility approach as a pillar of career management, you can help your employees prepare their professional project as a common thread.

But for this to happen, employees must be at the heart of this new approach. 

How 365Talents integrates with your Assessments tool to boost internal mobility & staffing

An HR assessment tool engages your employee to develop their potential and understand their interests, ambitions and skills better through soft skill assessments including behavioral, cognitive and personality tests. Integrating with a talent experience solution like 365Talents connects and incorporates this professional assessment data into their skills data set so that all your tools can benefit from these insights.

When you integrate your 365Talents with your LMS, your skills framework is centralized, unified and shared between your solutions to evaluate and understand your employees' soft skills. 

For employees, integration provides unique insights and centralizes information on their experience, personality and interests in order to better direct and improve career development. 

For managers, integration allows them to better see and understand their teams’ soft skills

For HR, integration helps them find relevant candidates for strategic open roles and improves KPIs on internal mobility and success planning.

Integration fosters a user-friendly and engaging experience for your employees to know themselves better and manage their career development while streamlining a transversal and efficient HR process to use this new information in your talent experience for skills analytics, strategic workforce planning and skills matching for internal mobility.

365Talents integrates with AssessFirst, Prismo and SHL, among other popular assessment solutions.

Learn more about 365Talents’ integration capabilities.

Face the new world of work with AI

In a context where the use of technology represents a new world of work, there are tools that facilitate HR processes. Obviously, mobility is also concerned: Solutions like 365Talents allow both HR and employees to think about and manage each other's careers. 

Employees can formulate their career plans with AI, thinking for themselves and for HR. But how does this happen? 

When companies only do mobility, they have no information on skills. And if they want to recruit qualified talent internally, they need to know the skills they already have and those they need to develop for their mobility. 

Why adopt a skills-based focus? Skills data:

  • Facilitates better understanding of your business
  • Gives your employees the opportunity to know their own skills, even the hidden ones
  • Allows you to capitalize on the supply and demand of skills in order to promote mobility and to prepare for various professional projects
  • Offers your people more than just mobility — these are real opportunities

Skills data is also where a solution like 365Talents come in: We help our clients to qualify talent through knowledge of these skills. So, with 365Talents, you can be sure that no skills are overlooked. 

How 365Talents provides visibility on all your skills

How do we do it? We don't have a magic wand, but we do have an AI that analyzes all the skills and occupations of everyone, providing HR with a company-wide map. 

Our AI retrieves all positions and skills and matches them to opportunities provided by your HR departments. It offers personalized suggestions according to each profile, if the match between the offer and the profile corresponds.

On their dashboard, the employee can then view these opportunities and apply.

But it's not just a click for the candidate: Well beyond the matching, there is a real personalization of the evolution of each person, in order to help build an internal project that corresponds to their expectations and needs. But all these opportunities, training or mobility offers start with one and the same point: skills.

All this would not be possible without the self-declaration of skills by employees. This is why we at 365Talents believe in the competency vision. A skills-based approach to talent management can have a very strong impact on both the individual career paths of your employees and your company's ability to anticipate and respond to business needs. The role of HR then becomes a strategic and transformative leader.

Offer more than just mobility, offer real opportunities

Simple mobility? No, with 365Talents, what your employee sees are real opportunities for each of your people! Our solution collects and analyzes all the positive feedback on all opportunities, open positions or transfers in order to help build the best possible career plan, now or in three years.

That is why we talk more about opportunities than about mobility: 365Talents suggests both immediate and prospective mobility options. 

But what is a prospective mobility option? It is a future mobility that gives you the possibility to match your employees with job descriptions, even without open positions in the future.

You therefore have a real opportunity to build your path internally, now or in the future.

And that's where the value of an ITM lies: Creating opportunities for your employees. Therefore, more personalized opportunities (whether realized now or in three years) means more engaged employees meanas better employee experiences. In other words, it's a virtuous circle that ensures employee engagement with your HR mobility tools.

This tool creates an internal gig economy that allows you to let AI take care of low value-added tasks so you can better support your employees in their careers. In short, the relevance of predictive analytics and user feedback is manifested in the proposal of personalized offers, creating real development opportunities for everyone.

Remember, your employees are like sunflowers: the more water and sunshine you bring then — in this case, personalized mobility and development opportunities — the more they will blossom and shine!

Want to learn more about how you can offer your people a more meaningful mobility? Get in touch with 365Talents today

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